Browse branch material
Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
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UCU health and safety factsheet on working and taking breaks (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on hot desking, open plan offices and space utilisation (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on home visits (PDF version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on home visits (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on fire precautions (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on finding out about violence at work (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on finding out about violence at work (PDF version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on facilities & assistance for UCU safety reps (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on extending safety representatives' rights (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on temperature and ventilation checklist (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on driving at work (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet for members on dealing with stress at work (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on cyber-bullying (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on cyber-bullying (PDF version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on the Control of Asbetos Regulations 2006, updated February 2011
UCU health and safety factsheet on competent persons for health and safety (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on chemical substances (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on checking whether your employer has made a RIDDOR report (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet: can you be disciplined or sacked for being ill? (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on 'Blackberry thumb' (Word version)
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