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All USS news

Important developments on the USS pension scheme.

  • 13 November 2015

    In advance of USS valuation in 2017, UCU has asked all pre-92 universities to engage with their employer on the technical provisions and report back to…

  • 23 May 2015

    The member and eligible member statutory consultation period regarding the proposed changes to USS ended on 22 May 2015. UCU sent a formal response to the consultation.…

  • 26 January 2015

    UCU members have voted to accept new proposals for their pensions and not restart a marking and assessment boycott at 69 UK institutions.

  • 14 January 2015

    Action which was due to resume on Friday 16 January is suspended while the union consults members on a new offer from the employers.

  • 8 January 2015

    UCU branches have been asked to prepare to resume the action on 16 January, which is currently suspended to allow talks.

  • 27 October 2014

    UCU announces that an assessment boycott will begin on Thursday 6 November.

  • 20 October 2014

    UCU members have overwhelmingly backed plans for industrial action in defence of their USS pensions. UCU general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'UCU members at universities…

  • 29 September 2014

    USS members would see tens of thousands of pounds a year wiped off their pensions if UUK proposals were introduced, warns a report released today.

  • 23 September 2014

    UCU general secretary Sally Hunt has today confirmed an industrial action ballot will be launched on 1 October.

  • 18 July 2014

    It is expected that this week the employers will receive a consultation document from UUK outlining a proposed approach to the USS pension fund deficit.