UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
The automatic university – a review of datafication and automation in higher education, UCU Scotland, June 2020
Newsletter for members working in prison education, May 2020
General secretary's report to the higher education committee on the USS and pay disputes, 1 Novermber 2019
General secretary's report to the higher education committee on the USS and pay disputes (HEC/1204), 30 January 2020
Guidance on how to respond to requests for educators to escort, supervise, search prisoners or sign prisoners into education, April 2020
A report from London Economics on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on university finances in 2020-21
Letter from the Prison Officers' Association regarding Youth Custody Service, 2 April 2020
Draft letter for members to send to managers regarding working from home concerns
UCU letter to prison education providers and HMPPS following Howard League report, 3 April 2020
Draft member letter to a prison employer responding to an attendance request and Covid-19 health and safety concerns, March 2020
UCU letter to prison educator employers about Covid-19 and work expectations
Draft member letter to a prison employer on ceasing attendance to protect vulnerable people from Covid-19 in line with government advice, March 2020
Draft member letter to a prison employer on ceasing attendance due to Covid-19 health and safety concerns, March 2020
UCU letter to heads of institutions urging the spension of all prison education departments, 20 March 2020
UCU letter to HMPPS urging the shutdown of prison education in light of latest govenment statements, Mar 20
UCU letter escalating our concerns over Covid-19 policy to the Director General of Prisons, Phil Copple, 22 March 2020
UCU letter UK Reseach and Innovation calling on UKRI to work to ensure increased retention of fixed0term researchers, 24 March 2020
Model letter to MPs about the Safe Inside Prisons Charter
Letter on the HE dispute to government, UCEA, USS and UUK signed by multiple student unions, March 2020
Newsletters for members in prison education, February 2020
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