Browse branch material
Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
Some items are only available to members, so please log in to access the complete library.
Zipped file containing the full size versions of the Rosie GTVO images
Word editable version of the Rosie and friend vote yes image
Word editable version of the Rosie vote yes marching image
Word editable version of the Rosie vote yes standing image
UCU briefing on the employment of terminally ill workers and the TUC's 'dying to work' campaign, June 2019
Mental Health Awareness Week Poster
UCU infographic on carers in the UK
Poster promoting UCU's week action against sexual harassment
Full report of the carers' survey findings: Hidden in Plain Sight
Full report of the carers' survey findings: Hidden in Plain Sight
A flyer advertising an event at Liverpool John Moores University about preventing 'prevent'
Report on the rise of the far right by Stand Up to Racism and UCU
Report on the rise of the far right by Stand Up to Racism and UCU
Poster advertising Aberdeen UCU's Holocaust Memorial Day 2016 film 'The Cemetery'
Poster advertising Aberdeen UCU's Holocaust Memorial Day 2016 'Meditations' event
Tackling third party abuse and harassment at work
Powerpoint presentation for recruiting staff in higher education
Powerpoint presentation for recruiting staff in further education
Sample Powerpoint presentation for branches to use during staff induction sessions
A policy for model reasonable adjustments disabillity passports
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