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UCU Scotland Congress 2013

27 March 2014

Friday 22 March 2013. The Scottish Annual Congress is an autonomous policy body that debates matters specifically related to Scotland.

Guest speaker

Michael Russell, cabinet secretary for education spoke to delegates at the eve of conference dinner.


Friday 22 March Morning

09:30-9.45: Opening business, including:

Appointment of tellers

Adoption of the report of the Congress Business Committee

Adoption of minutes of Congress 23 March 2012

9.45 -10.15 Reports including

UCU Scotland President's Address from Gordon Watson

10.15-12.45 Debate on Motions

12.45-1pm Guest Speaker:

John Davidson, PCS Scottish Regional Committee member

1-2pm Lunch

Friday 22 March Afternoon


Session on HE and the constitution

Panel session discussed the impact of the independence referendum and further constitutional change:

  • Chair: Dave Anderson, President Elect, UCU Scotland
  • Alastair Sim, Director, Universities Scotland
  • Stacey Divine - Women's Officer, National Union of Students (NUS) Scotland
  • Helen Martin, Assistant Secretary, STUC
  • Dr Elisabet Weedon, ESRC Project on higher education and devolution at Edinburgh University
  • Michael MacNeil, National Head of Higher Education, UCU

15.30 Close of Congress 2013

Last updated: 30 July 2024