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College campus foodbanks are 'indictment' of sector

11 March 2022

After it emerged that a college in England has granted struggling staff access to campus foodbanks, UCU warned that college employers must lift staff pay by 10% in the next pay round to help staff get through the cost of living crisis.

An email to staff by Abingdon & Witney College's head of human resources told staff that the college could not make any immediate improvement to staff pay to help with the rising cost of living, but that campus foodbanks have been made available, and that donated items would be moved to a 'more confidential space'.

UCU general secretary Jo Grady called the move 'an indictment of the entire college sector and its leadership who have held down pay for over a decade.'

This week UCU launched consultative industrial action ballots for a 10% pay rise at 183 English colleges.

Read the full story here.

Last updated: 11 March 2022