UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
UCU CSR 2007 submission section 04, published September 2006
UCU CSR 2007 submission section 03, published September 2006
UCU briefing on restructures and mergers in further and adult education: resisting cuts and rationalisation, published October 2015
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'Proposals for minor amendments to the current General Teaching Council for Wales registration rules in preparation for its…
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'Proposals for minor amendments to the current General Teaching Council for Wales disciplinary procedures and rules in preparation…
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'Public Services Staff Commission white paper: devolution, democracy and delivery'
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'KS4 Initial Vocational Education and Training'
LLUK draft workforce strategy for the further education sector in England, 2007-2012: UCU response, Oct 07
Joint union bilingual leaflet on the FE funding campaign 2015
Joint union bilingual poster for the FE funding campaign 2015
PDF of letter sent by the minister for FE and lifelong learning to UCU about awarding A4e contracts to run prison education
#LoveFE joint campaign poster
Poster/placard publicising the #LoveFE funding campaign
Leaflet about the #LoveFE funding campaign
UCU briefing on 24% cuts to adult further education budget in England
Template press release on the FE England funding cuts for branches
UCU briefing document on the Public Sector Equality Duty (Scotland) 2012
Public Sector Equality Duty - Scotland
HEFCE single equality scheme - UCU response to consultation, Oct 06
Local Enterprise Partnerships: A Primer on English Economic Development Policy
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