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Leading news and reaction from UCU.

  • 13 August 2021

    Prison educators in England, Wales and Northern Ireland urgently need a pay rise and improved training, as well as access to improved facilities for learners, according…

  • 19 November 2019

    The next government should invest in the further and higher education workforce, end the hostile environment for migrants and scrap arbitrary metrics like the Teaching…

  • 1 November 2019

    UCU members back strikes over both pensions and pay and conditions UCU members working in UK universities have backed strike action in ballots over both pensions…

  • 13 September 2019

    University strike ballots open Strike ballots opened at UK universities on Monday in rows over USS pensions and pay, workloads, casualisation and equality. The…

  • 5 July 2019

    71% of university staff say insecure contracts have damaged their mental health Staff in UK universities working on insecure contracts say the lack of security…