Holocaust Memorial Day
20 January 2015
UCU commemorates Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD), observed annually on 27 January. It does so in memory of the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust and the millions of people killed by Nazi persecution and in subsequent genocides in Bosnia, Cambodia, Darfur and Rwanda, and in order to challenge hatred and persecution in the UK today.
Also targeted were political opponents and trade unionists, Black people, people marginalised as 'criminals' and 'asocials', queer people, Jehovah witnesses, disabled people, population of occupied Eastern Europe, as well as other groups.
Visit the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust website for further information and ideas for how to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day in your branch. You can also find a range of resources below which can help to support local events and activity on this topic.
HMD 2025 - For a Better Future
Webinar - Foreshadowing the Holocaust: creating the conditions for a genocide
Professor Zoe Waxman Register for a webinar led by the eminent expert, Professor Zoë Waxman introduced by UCU general secretary, Jo Grady.
Date: Monday 27 January 2025, 12:00-13:00
Details: In this short talk, Zoë Waxman, Professor of Holocaust History at the University of Oxford, will explore the pre-history of the Holocaust, identifying the ways in which the Nazis prepared the German population for the mass murder of the Jewish people. By separating them from their neighbours, by normalising violence, and by institutionalising discrimination, they created the conditions in which genocide became almost unstoppable.
Registration: Please register for the webinar here by Monday 27 January at 09:00.
Questions: Professor Waxman welcomes pre-submitted questions. Please send these to eqadmin@ucu.org.uk. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions on the day.
UCU films to commemorate the Holocaust
UCU Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration
Our award-winning film, produced to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day, provides personal testimonials of the Holocaust.
The film was accompanied by a short publication of testimonials by UCU members and others who survived genocides in Armenia, Bosnia, Cambodia, Darfur and Rwanda
Holocaust Memorial Day: UCU member testimonials [2mb]
Journeys to Safety: Memories of the Kindertransport
A short UCU film produced to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day. Prior to World War II, many children made journeys through Europe to escape the Nazis and the growing wave of antisemitism. The memories of those who travelled to safety as part of the Kindertransport programme are shared. The film also marks the 75th Anniversary of the Kindertransport programme (1938 - 2013).
How can life go on - Holocaust Memorial Day
Our short film for Holocaust Memorial Day provides a moving testimony by John Fieldsend, a Kindertransport child, reading the final letter, he and his brother received from his parents, after the war had ended.
Other available resources
The Paths to Genocide
Download the 10 Stages to Genocide here 10 Stages to Genocide [459kb]
UCU antisemitism leaflet
UCU is committed to combating antisemitism. It has produced a leaflet for branches to use, which you can download below, or request a hard copy from eqadmin@ucu.org.uk.
UCU - challenging anti-semitism leaflet [67kb]
Holocaust Memorial Day offers an opportunity for reflection on past atrocities and the chance to come together to create a safer, better future. By focusing on memory, the theme will also enable us to challenge those who seek to deny the Holocaust and subsequent genocides.
Bosnian genocide
To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Bosnian genocide (1995-2015), we produced a short publication outlining the events that led to the murder of around 8,000 men and boys. The single largest mass murder in Europe since 1945: Keep the memory alive: UCU commemorates the 20th anniversary of the Bosnian genocide [2mb]
Remembering Rwanda
To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Rwandan genocide (1994-2014), we produced a short publication outlining the events that led to the slaughter of an estimated 1 million Tutsis and moderate Hutus over a period of 100 days from 7 April to 16 July 1994. The testimonial of Jean Bosco Ngabonzima delivered to UCU members in 2011 has also be reproduced.
Remembering Rwanda: UCU Holocaust Memorial Day 2014 [187kb]
Reading/viewing materials
Holocaust Memorial Day suggested reading [214kb]
Holocaust Memorial Day wallchart
The UCU Holocaust Memorial Day wallchart has been brought up to date and includes new sections about the recent fight against fascist organisations like the BNP and EDL. This resource can be used in your institution to educate against the dangers of antisemitism, fascism and racial discrimination.
Links to external organisations
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust
Holocaust Educational Trust
The Wiener Library
The Jewish Museum
The Holocaust Centre
SURF Survivors Fund
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