Embedding recruitment

10 April 2015

At Southampton University, we've worked hard to embed recruitment of new members into our branch's activity.

Every month we send a pack promoting UCU membership to all the new staff joining the university. The pack contains a letter, information about the union and a copy of our local newsletter.

Every three months or so, the university holds an induction for new staff and we have made sure we get a 30 minute slot with the other unions. We run a presentation, show the 'Day in the Life' video and hand out information packs to staff, including an application form and the 'reasons to join UCU' leaflet.

We've also tried to make sure we're targeting fixed-term contract staff and those at the start of their careers by holding stalls at the university's researchers' seminars.

We've also tried to make sure that we're recruiting around local activity in support of national campaigns (Anti-Casualisation , stress and bullying) and we hold stalls whenever we're promoting local campaigns, such as around fixed-term contracts.

Amanda Bitouche
Southampton University UCU

Last updated: 23 January 2018