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The role of education institutions in tackling climate change

On 13 May 2016, UCU co-hosted a conference with the NUS at the University of Manchester. 'The role of education institutions in tackling climate change' brought together over 70 participants to address how the sector should respond to the Paris climate agreement.

It was chaired jointly by Michael MacNeil, UCU National Head of Bargaining and Negotiations, and Piers Telemacque, vice president of NUS. A range of speakers presented around the 3 themes of:

  • climate change and the curriculum
  • climate change and research and
  • climate change and finance.

The final plenary was addressed by Lisa Nandy, MP, and Shadow Energy Minister. Lisa spoke about the role of education and the green economy. She stressed the importance of trades unions taking the lead and referred to the 'fantastic contribution of the 1 million climate jobs campaign'. She highlighted the need for trades unions to work at local and regional level to promote climate awareness and research.

The conference was a success and there were important contributions from the participants that informed the way that both UCU and NUS can shape their work for 2016-17. The next 5 years will be crucial for how the sector and the government face up to the climate challenge. This conference illustrated how the UCU and NUS can work together to ensure that the voices of staff and students are heard.

Further information and enquiries: contact Marianne Quick