Browse branch material
Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
Some items are only available to members, so please log in to access the complete library.
PDF version of UCU's guidance for branches on planning your campaign
Word version of UCU's guidance for branches on planning your campaign
A guide to effective email campaigning produced by non-profit NetAction
PDF version of UCU's guidance for branches on how to Identify different campaign tactics
Word version of UCU's guidance for branches on how to Identify different campaign tactics
PDF version of UCU's guidance for branches on how to Identify campaign targets and allies
Word version of UCU's guidance for branches on how to Identify campaign targets and allies
PDF version of UCU's guidance for branches on how to Identify a strong campaign issue
Word version of UCU's guidance for branches on how to Identify a strong campaign issue
A communications and lobbying toolkit for UCU activists
Briefing for UCU branches on FE funding for 2013-2014
Briefing for FE branch officers in (England) on funding for 2014-15
HEI income and expenditure for the year 2010-11
HEI income and expenditure for the year 2010-11
HEI financial data for the year 2009-10
HEI financial data for the year 2011-12
HEI financial data for the year 2011-12
HEI financial data for the year 2009-10
FE college accounts for the year 2011-12
FE college accounts for the year 2011-12
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