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Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
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UCU briefing on restructures and mergers in further and adult education: resisting cuts and rationalisation, published October 2015
UCU's response to Health Education England’s 'Shape of Caring' review, submitted October 2015
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'Proposals for minor amendments to the current General Teaching Council for Wales registration rules in preparation for its…
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'Proposals for minor amendments to the current General Teaching Council for Wales disciplinary procedures and rules in preparation…
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'Public Services Staff Commission white paper: devolution, democracy and delivery'
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'KS4 Initial Vocational Education and Training'
LLUK draft workforce strategy for the further education sector in England, 2007-2012: UCU response, Oct 07
UCU anti-stress campaign leaflet
UCU workplace stress leaflet
Poster showing a stretched fraying rope for highlighting excessive workloads
UCU Early Careers Charter
Researchers' charter
CPD publicity leaflet
Introduction to pensions for young members
Introducation to what unions do
A5 booklet on academic freedom for young members
Summary of UCU policy from the education committee for 2013-14
UCU briefing on the funding of FE and HE at May 2014, published May 2014
UCU briefing on the key Budget 2014 announcements in relation to education
UCU campaign briefing on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), published February 2014
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