Browse branch material
Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
Some items are only available to members, so please log in to access the complete library.
Sources of support when dealing with sexual or domestic violence
Supporting your mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic - you're doing great
Community accountability for racial justice: an organising agenda for colleges and universities
Community accountability for racial justice: a programme for universities and colleges
Model stress management standards survey; part of the UCU stress toolkit for branches
UCU model risk assessment sheet; part of the UCU stress toolkit for branches
Briefing for MPs on the cuts to the London teaching grant and London weighting, February 2021
Guidance and checklist for reporting heath & safety near misses in prisons
Guidance to branches on potential 'furlough' in respect of home-schooling responsibilities during school closures, January 2021
UCU guidance for academic-related professional staff during the Covid-19 crisis, updated Jan 21
Holocaust Memorial Day branch events 2021
Holocaust Memorial Day branch events 2021
UCU black history wall chart 2020
Covid-19: employees' individual and collective rights on health & safety issues on return to work in HE (Scotland)
Guide to creating consultative ballots using Alchemer (Surveygizmo)
Return to work - information sheet DF
Return to work - information sheet
Return to work - information sheet DF
Return to work - information sheet LP
Return to work - information sheet LP
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