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Catherine Pope (University of Southampton)

1 February 2019


Election address

I am Professor of Medical Sociology at University of Southampton and current president of Southampton UCU Branch. I have served the local branch executive committee in various roles including Fixed Term Contracts, and Equalities rep in the past. I have also been a congress and HE conference delegate, and was a member of the previous UCU commission on Union Democracy following the merger of AUT and NATFHE. 

The next few years will continue to be challenging and we must fight to defend further and higher education. To do that we need to be united. I recognise that UCU has a diverse membership and there are a wide range of views about activism, trade unions and our campaigns. I am standing for NEC as an independent candidate. I am not a member of UCUBroadLeft or UCULeft because I believe that UCU should fight - together - on issues that concern education, and to support all of our members.

I am an experienced negotiator and often work with teams that reflect different perspectives, disciplines and professional backgrounds. I try to listen and weigh up the arguments in debates and look for pragmatic solutions, always remembering that the union must act in the best interest of all our members. If elected to NEC I plan to continue these practices.

Last updated: 1 February 2019