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Janet Farrar (Bury College)

1 February 2019

Election address

About Me

I am seeking re-election to the FE North West NEC because I want to continue to do everything I can to support UCU and its members and stand up for education and access for all.

I've been a proud trade unionist since I started work at 16, joining UCU when I retrained as a lecturer in Modern Foreign Languages at Bury College. I am also a committed member of the Labour Party. I was a beneficiary of Labour's Widening Participation initiative, and it frustrates me that people from ordinary backgrounds like mine will find FE increasingly difficult to access unless we unite to defend the broad scope of FE provision. 

I have a very strong sense of justice and have extensive experience of representing members at redundancy consultations, investigations, appeals, disciplinary and grievance hearings.

I have led efforts to successfully triple UCU membership in my branch and ensured we have a strong voice in my workplace.

Since my election to the NEC in March 2018 I have been active in promoting the interests of all members and have thrived on being at the centre of UCU's national leadership decisions and priorities. I will continue to keep my focus on real day-to-day issues.

I believe that UCU's FE priorities should be:

·       Pay - The whole sector is crying out for better pay. The disparity between the salaries of principals and senior managers compared to lecturers is embarrassing. I have been a member of the FE national negotiating team and was proud to speak from the platform at the recent lobby of Parliament. I believe in serious negotiations, underpinned by membership support for industrial action as a strategic choice when necessary.

·       Morale - At an all-time low. Workloads are unsustainable; staff are leaving in droves. I will campaign for improved, secure conditions of employment for all members, and a better work-life balance for FE staff.

·       De-Professionalisation - I will campaign strongly against job insecurity, exploitation and precarious low-paid contracts.

·       Build the Union - Mobilising and recruiting members, reps, and those not on lecturers' conditions undertaking curriculum delivery.

UCU also needs to celebrate and publicise its successes more. I am committed to bringing all members together and promoting unity within UCU: in-fighting will get us nowhere.

Voting for me is to choose a positive, determined and constructive voice. I will always be fierce and fearless in the defending and advancing members' interests.

Please also vote for:

Vice President: Adam Ozanne

Honorary Treasurer: Steve Sangwine

Above all, please make sure you use you ballot and make your voice heard.

For more information on my views, please visit

Last updated: 1 February 2019