Recruitment activity: ideas from across the union
28 April 2016
Trying out new recruitment activities is a great way to boost membership, keep things fresh in your branch and bring in new activists with different skills and interests.
Ahead of the next national recruitment week we thought you might find it useful to see some examples of what other branches have been up to in the last year or so. If you have any ideas of your own, or examples of activity that have worked well in your branch, let us know in the comments section below.
- Coffee and cake morning
- Open meeting or discussion forum for hourly-paid staff
- Staff room tour
- 'I'm in the union because...' photo campaign on social media to highlight diverse reasons for joining and diversity of membership
- Door-to-door recruitment
- Open meeting on professional issues (TEF, FE area reviews, widening participation, etc.)
- Drop-in advice surgery
- Event targeted at a specific group of workers (women in science, professional support staff, etc.)
- Film screening
- Lunchtime recruitment stall (but make sure it's stocked with top quality materials!)
- Picnic
- General interest open lecture on a trade union, equality or workers' rights theme
- 'Meet the reps' event
- Leaflet entrances or key thoroughfares
- Petition on a key local issue (and use it to build a list of engageable non-members' contact details!)
- Refresh noticeboards with new and eye-catching materials
- Joint event with students' union to recruit PGCE and research postgraduate students
Add your ideas in the comments section below - and build the union!
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