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Union slams 'short-sighted' redundancies at Southampton Solent University

19 May 2017

The University and College Union (UCU) has criticised "short-sighted" plans to cut 49 jobs at Southampton Solent University.

The job losses are part of the university's plans to save £15 million in the coming year, and the university has warned that further redundancies could be made in the coming months.

Those at risk include academic and support staff across several departments including engineering, business, law, and art and design. The union said that the cuts are unnecessary and staff should be the priority for investment. It called on the university to explore alternatives to job losses.

UCU regional official, Moray McAulay, said: 'These cuts are short-sighted and unnecessary. The university has invested heavily in its facilities, but it is university staff who are central to the student experience. 

'Instead of cutting jobs, the university should be taking advantage of its solid financial position to invest in its hardworking staff. We urge the university to halt these damaging plans and work with us to properly explore alternatives to job losses.'

Last updated: 19 May 2017