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Over 1,100 signatures for e-petition supporting unions' action on pay

14 April 2014

An e-petition sent to the vice-chancellor of the University of Manchester, calling for action to resolve the national higher education pay dispute, has secured over 1,100 signatures. The news comes ahead of the second round of 2014/15 pay talks between unions and university employers tomorrow (Tuesday 15 April).

The e-petition, written as an open letter, was sent to Prof. Dame Nancy Rothwell on behalf of the University of Manchester branches of UCU, Unite, Unison and with the support of the University of Manchester Students' Union (UMSU). It calls on the vice-chancellor to support a 'significantly improved national pay award' and has racked up 1,159 signatures, highlighting the strength of support for a fair resolution to the ongoing dispute.

The letter asks the vice-chancellor to put pressure on the Universities and Colleges' Employers Association (UCEA) to 'return to the negotiating table with a significantly improved pay offer' ahead of the planned marking boycott which is due to start on Monday 28 April.

UCU general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'The number of signatures which this open letter has garnered clearly demonstrates the strength of support for a fair resolution to this pay dispute. University staff have seen their pay fall by 15% in real terms since 2009 and UCU members have taken strike action six times this academic year.

'The ball is now in the employers' court, and if vice-chancellors want the marking boycott to be called off then they need to put their weight behind calls for UCEA to make an improved offer.'

Last updated: 10 December 2015
