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Union welcomes commitment to education and research in our universities

14 September 2011

UCU Scotland welcomed the commitment from the Scottish government to broaden access to higher education and fund world-leading research..

Responding to the launch of the launch of the government's post-16 education consultation paper, the union said it was pleased that ministers had recognised the wider benefits of education and agreed to provide more support for people on low incomes and part-time students.

The union also welcomed the recommendation for more transparent college and university governance. UCU said it was high time that proper scrutiny was given to how colleges and universities were run and that it was pleased the government had acknowledged the important role trade unions play in delivering excellence.

UCU Scotland President, Gordon Watson, said: 'We are pleased the government has recognised the wider benefits of education and agreed to provide more support for part-time students and those on low incomes.

'It is high time that proper scrutiny was given to college and university governance. We must recognise that the experts in our colleges and universities have a role in defining education and developing the delivery of education for Scotland.'

Last updated: 11 December 2015
