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Using vouchers to fund universities will lead to a two-tier system, warns UCU

24 September 2009

UCU today said that using vouchers as a way of funding universities will lead to a two-tier higher education system.

The warning comes as a timely report from the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) concluded that using vouchers will narrow participation at university and drive down standards.
UCU said today that talk of a voucher scheme was just another move to try and deflect attention from the fact that UK universities need much greater public investment. The union added that if universities are allowed to supplement the value of vouchers by charging additional fees for certain degrees, students from poorer and non-traditional backgrounds will be priced out of studying at those institutions charging higher fees.
UCU general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'This report should act as a timely warning of the dangers posed by a voucher system. Far from improving standards, vouchers will encourage universities to cut corners and reduce spending on courses. Supporters of a voucher scheme may talk of greater choice but this is a fallacy and will lead to many quality subjects being axed.
'Vouchers would seriously damage the widening participation agenda. It is inevitable that universities will look to supplement the value of vouchers by charging additional fees for some courses and this will price out students from poorer and non-traditional backgrounds.'
Last updated: 11 December 2015
