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World leaders urged to invest in education to end financial crisis

28 March 2009

UCU has called on world leaders to show their support for workers during the current economic downturn, by not cutting back on vital education and training.

UCU members joined thousands from around the country at the TUC's Put People First march in central London, to lobby G20 leaders ahead of next week's summit on the global financial crisis.
UCU general secretary Sally Hunt welcomed the event, which featured representatives from over 130 unions, development agencies, domestic poverty, faith and environmental groups,  and said it couldn't have come at a more important  time: 'UCU is proud to be part of the Put People First campaign. It's always those on the edge of society who suffer most during  a  financial crisis and it is essential that governments around the world reach out to these people.

It is ironic, that at a time when we should be supporting lifelong learning that money is being taken away from it'
Sally Hunt
UCU general secretary

'If this current crisis has taught us anything, it is that we cannot rely on the market to deliver a prosperous and equal society. The UK, and the world for that matter, needs a strong and accountable public sector to lift people out of poverty, and education must be at the forefront of this. If our leaders are serious about beating the recession, they mustn't withdraw money from educators.
'Universities and colleges are innovators and play a key role in wealth creation. The world needs teachers to pass on their skills. It is never too late for people to learn. It is ironic, that at a time when we should be supporting lifelong learning that money is being taken away from it, as can be witnessed by the government's decision to withdraw funding for people studying equivalent or lower qualifications. We are in the worst  recession since the 1930s and these types of courses are vital for helping adult and part-time learners to become more employable, and to improve their skills base. Now is the time to invest in public education. We simply cannot afford to lose any more knowledge.'

Last updated: 11 December 2015
