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Congress business section 3: External relations

16 May 2007

Timetabled: Wednesday 30 May, 14:45-15:15

Other matters

21 - Peace and disarmament (Northumbria University)       

Congress is alarmed that the Government pushed for a Parliamentary vote on the replacement of the Trident nuclear weapons system without the promised full public debate and without a green paper including non-replacement as an option.

We oppose the strategy of dependence on nuclear weapons to give status to nations and consider that any replacement of Trident would violate Britain's responsibilities under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, leading other states to do likewise.

We call on the British government to renounce nuclear weapons and any British involvement in the US missile defence programme, which would enable the US to attack other countries without fear of retaliation.

The billions saved from cancelling Trident replacement should be used to enhance pensions, health and education, to protect our manufacturing industry by requiring and encouraging defence contractors to diversify, to alleviate global poverty and tackle the problem of global climate change.


22 - Environment (South Thames College)  

UCU recognises:

  1. The ecological impact of national and global policies and activities which are damaging the ecosystem
  2. The need for the adoption of the principles of sustainability to combat these policies.
  3. The positive role which the education sector can play in promoting sustainability.

Congress therefore commits UCU to:

  1. Promoting action at institution level to develop sustainable workplace polices and practices, such as 'greening the campus'. 
  2. Developing the environmental role of union reps and campaign to extend legal rights to paid release for their duties and training.
  3. Contributing to efforts to promote sustainability via all elements of the curriculum.
  4. Support appropriate organisations and campaigns in pursuit of these objectives.
  5. Instruct UCU NEC to organise a fringe meeting on the environment at the 2008 UCU Congress.
  6. Explore the policy options for reducing the 'environmental footprint' of UCU.


Last updated: 30 May 2007