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How does UCU influence education policy

22 January 2007

UCU speaks for the practitioners so that we can be a serious voice when decisions are made about education policy and the broader political agenda. We argue against the increasing teaching and administrative burdens being placed on our members and for fairer funding, more democratic governance and academic freedom.

We make representations on your behalf to government, politicians and civil servants in Westminster and the devolved parliaments. We also talk to the key players in post-school education, including the higher education funding councils, the skills councils, professional development organisations and international bodies. Our research, publication and lobbying activity helps to shape the development of education in the UK.

And, of course, we work closely with the other trade unions and the TUC, building support for UCU's policies and campaigns. Education is fast becoming one of the most globalised professions in the world, and we maintain strong links with international bodies and education unions so that we can challenge the commodification of education and work to protect academic freedom wherever it is threatened.

Last updated: 28 January 2016