HE national agreements and guidance
30 October 2006
This page lists all the Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES) joint agreements, alongside related UCU guidance and commentary, and other documents relevant to industrial relations and employment within the university sector.
- Negotiating machinery: JNCHES
- HE pay framework agreement
- Memorandum of Understanding between UCEA and AUT
- library of academic role profiles
- progression and contribution pay
- calculating hourly rates of pay for academic staff
- conducting role analysis
- conducting equal pay reviews
- fixed-term and casual employment
- work-life balance
- creating a partnership for equality
- race equality: communication and consultation report and toolkit
Negotiating machinery: JNCHES
The JNCHES structure was formally established following the conclusion of the 2000/1 pay dispute. The JNCHES structure exists to determine the pay and some conditions of all HE staff in the UK. It was amended by further negotiations in 2007/8 following the 2006 national agreement, which created the 'New JNCHES' arrangements, and again in 2013.
For reference:
- HE negotiating structures review 2007/8
New JNCHES November 2007 agreement [27kb]
Pay and new industrial relations machinery: Final agreement: 25 June 2001 [118kb]
HE pay framework agreement
This agreement sets out the structure of the new higher education pay arrangements, including the national single pay spine.
Framework Agreement for the modernisation of pay structures [776kb]
Framework Agreement for the modernisation of pay structures [1mb]
Memorandum of Understanding between UCEA and AUT
This agreement between UCEA and AUT provides national principles which must underpin pay and grading arrangements for academic and academic-related staff in pre-1992 institutions.
JNCHES library of academic role profiles
This document contains the role profiles and the agreed guidance on the use of role profiles in grading academic staff in the new pay structure.
See also:
Post-92 guidance on using the library of academic role profiles [256kb]
Guidance on role analysis arrangements for academic and academic-related staff, AUT, Jul 04 [247kb]
JNCHES guidance on progression and contribution pay
This guidance provides advice on how to allocate contribution pay fairly and includes the detailed advice agreed by the ASSC in respect of academic staff.
See also:
JNCHES guidance on calculating hourly rates of pay for academic staff
This guidance sets out the new methodology for calculating hourly rates of pay for academic staff linked to the national pay spine with an assimilation point at pay point 30.
JNCHES guidance on conducting role analysis
Linked to the pay framework agreement this guidance sets out an agreed approach to using job evaluation within UK universities and colleges of higher education.
(NB: predecessor union AUT did not sign up to this guidance.)
Other JNCHES guidance documents
JNCHES guidance on conducting equal pay reviews
This guidance sets out what HEIs need to do to meet their obligations with regard to equal pay and the gender pay gap. It also outlines the different obligations that exist in the four nations of the UK. It should be the basis for the discussions you have with your employers about they begin to tackle the underlying reasons for the gender pay gap:
See also:
The following archive documents may also be useful:
Putting equality in the frame: AUT campaign toolkit, Sep 05 [1mb]
Putting equality in the frame: AUT campaign toolkit, Sep 05 [900kb]
JNCHES guidance on fixed-term and casual employment
This guidance provides advice to HE institutions on the use and management of fixed-term and hourly paid employment.
JNCHES guidance on work-life balance
This guidance provides advice on improving the work-life balance for higher education staff
See also:
JNCHES guidance on creating a partnership for equality
This document sets out the recommended approach to delivering equality for staff within UK institutions.
JNCHES guidance on race equality: communication and consultation report and toolkit
This best practice guide sets out institutions' legislative obligations under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act and provides advice on how to meet their responsibilities, obligations and duties.
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