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UCU campaigns in further education and prisons: update

6 September 2024

Whether you work in a prison setting or in further education (FE), I hope you managed to get away from things and recharge over the summer. It's now time to get back into campaign mode and build our exciting New Deal for FE and prison education campaigns.

We've sent campaign materials to UCU reps at your workplace and you can also download copies to help promote the campaigns: 

Over the next few weeks, we will be building the campaigns towards a national rally and lobby of UK parliament in the autumn, and we need every member to play a part in these important events. More details on this over the coming weeks. 

In the meantime, you can help by encouraging your colleagues to join UCU via this link. The more education workers who join, the better able the union will be to deliver the changes our sector needs. 

Please look out for further communications about these campaigns in the regular Friday email updates and support your local UCU branch by getting in touch and helping out if you can.

In solidarity 

Jo Grady 
UCU general secretary

Last updated: 9 October 2024