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General secretary hundred day plans: giving the members a voice

13 June 2024

Following my re-election as UCU general secretary I have been working with colleagues to produce a set of discussion documents based on the policy areas I campaigned on and the many conversations I had with you directly during the campaign. I hope that many of you will recognise that the ideas and concerns that you have raised have been incorporated into this body of work.

The areas are:

  • Building local bargaining in higher education
  • Building local bargaining in further education
  • Building and improving on our equality and policy work
  • Building and improving on our legal scheme
  • Improving participation in our union's democracy.

Click here to download the hundred day plans document. 

These documents are still in draft and the aim of them is to have a discussion on the future direction of various aspects of our union. In the coming weeks and months, I will be visiting workplaces across the UK to speak to members and representatives. We will also be holding online forums, producing surveys, and other initiatives to ensure that every member feels part of this process.

There will be two online briefings to discuss the plans and how you can take the work forward with your branches:

Please note that the in-person regional briefings previously advertised will now take place in the autumn (details to be confirmed).

This is a brilliant opportunity for us to collectively shape the future of our union, in an open, transparent, and strategic way. I look forward to meeting with as many of you as possible. This is your union, help to shape it!

In solidarity

Jo Grady
UCU general secretary

Last updated: 13 June 2024