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Fourth GS candidate email from Jo Grady

12 February 2024

Dear colleague


This is my final email to you about the general secretary and National Executive Committee (NEC) elections.

Previous emails have provided you with a clear, coherent and winning strategy for every single area and member of our union.

UCU needs a plan. I have written detailed and deliverable proposals for further and higher education, and I have outlined my vision for what we must do in both prison and adult education.

My manifesto is the product of hundreds of conversations I have had with UCU members during my time as general secretary.

I am asking you to re-elect me so I can set about delivering a plan built by, and built for, the whole union.

That's what is at stake in this election - a strategic, forward-looking UCU, for all of our members, or taking a huge step backwards. I know you want a union shaped by you, and working for you.

You have until February 26th to post your ballot, but changing our union cannot wait. If you have lost your ballot or not received one, please order another. If you haven't posted it yet, please do so today.

When you cast your vote, please also vote for David Hunter for VP, and the rest of the platform of candidates who are standing for election to the NEC. This platform back the same direction for the union and member-driven approach I have set out.

Finally, I lay down a challenge to every single one of you. I cannot win this election on my own. I cannot change the union on my own. So, if you believe in a UCU that is led by its members, then don't just post your own ballot paper back, but commit to convincing your colleagues to vote as well.

Together we can build a better union.

Vote today. Vote Jo Grady #1.

In solidarity,


Last updated: 12 February 2024