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Marian Mayer (Bournemouth University)

25 January 2024

post-92, woman

Election address

I have worked at Bournemouth University for almost 20 years, currently as a Principle Lecturer in Learning Development. A committed UCU activist I have served in various branch roles since 2005, including: Casualised workers and Equality representative, Health and Safety Officer, Vice Chair and Chair, currently co-Secretary of the South Region Committee. I have also served on the NEC as disabled members' representative, been a member of the Women's Standing Committee and chaired the Disabled Members Committee. I unequivocally support LGBTQIA+ members. 

When previously a member of the NEC I argued strongly for transparency of voting on all matters, especially those relating to industrial action. If elected I will support motions to the NEC to publish all voting records post meetings of the NEC and HEC.  

Particularly troubling to me as a four times elected Pay and Equalities negotiator is the recent failures to implement policy carried at successive Congresses and sector HE conferences regarding the 4 Fights campaign. I believe that the will of UCU members is sovereign, and that their interests must be at the heart of our union's decision-making. If, as a union, we are to succeed in gaining improved working conditions we must listen to, and act on the needs and wishes of members.  

Having led my own branch through punitive industrial action, including two instances of MAB, I understand well the sacrifices members have made over many years in the pursuit of fair pay and working conditions. The most recent industrial action ballot results are a wakeup call to the NEC and UCU's leadership.  Members have made significant sacrifices: as a union, we must reflect on the ballot results, listen to members and develop a strategy that can gain the improvements in pay and working conditions members deserve.   

My current UCU roles include: 

·     National Pay Negotiator 

·     Vice Chair, Bournemouth University UCU and Health and Safety officer 

·     Southern Region Committee Co-Secretary   

I am an active member of my local TUC committee as one of my branch's delegates and have supported sibling union actions including those of the National Education Union and the RMT. I am proud to have been part of the cross-union action that saw and end to plans to close train station ticket offices and have been invited to speak on platforms with Mick Lynch (RMT) Mick Whelan (ASLEF). When unions come together we can be powerful forces for good.  

We need a General Secretary who will work fearlessly, and without favour, for all UCU members, to bring our union together.  For that reason I will be voting for Vicky Blake, based on her track record, as well as having worked with Vicky when she was Vice President as a Pay and Equalities negotiator.  

Last updated: 25 January 2024