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USS pension justice - we earned it

We have won back our pensions

20 October 2023

Today is a historic moment. After years of campaigning, balloting, picketing, and taking action, I am extremely happy to announce that UCU members have voted to accept the agreement on USS. In fact, an overwhelming 99% of you who voted, voted for the deal, which includes the full restoration of your pension.

This means that by 1 April 2024, the 35% cut that was needlessly made to your future guaranteed retirement income will be fully reversed and you will also receive a one-off payment to help make good the money that you have lost. The agreement includes other aspects which you can read here, and I also encourage you to log in and use the USS modeller to see your individualised improvement.

The agreement also paves the way for new contribution rates to be introduced early in the new year. We don't know the exact rate yet, but this will bring down the amount of your salary that you contribute to the fund, putting more money into your pocket every month.

I hope this victory inspires other workers who have also seen their pension slashed. But, I also hope it inspires you too, to believe that we can replicate this win elsewhere in higher education. I know people are tired, but we can't stop here - the same dedication that fuelled this pension fight must be applied to our ongoing struggle on pay, workloads and job security. We will not stop until we create a higher education sector that properly values all its staff.

If you haven't posted your ballot back in the pay dispute, now is the time to do so. Your vote is crucial. If you have lost your ballot, you can order another one here and please vote before 31 October.

We have won back security in retirement, but we need to ensure that we have workplaces worth staying in until we get there. Celebrate today, but please also keep campaigning in our pay dispute. Let's change this sector for everyone.

In solidarity

Jo Grady
UCU general secretary

Last updated: 20 October 2023