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UCU Rising progress in our disputes - have your say

15 March 2023

Your union has been engaged in intensive negotiations with employers over both our pay and conditions, and pensions disputes. We have, last night, reached a point in negotiations where proposals have been put forward which provide an interim resolution in our disputes with Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) and Universities UK (UUK).

The proposals include a restoration of your pension, an end to zero-hour contracts, a pay award and pay spine review, and progress in every single area of our pay and working conditions dispute:

Please click here to listen to our podcast or read the transcript [255kb] for a full explanation of the proposals.

We have achieved so much by adopting a different approach to this dispute, and we now believe it is the time to bank and build.

But the choice is yours. This is your union.  

To make sure that every member has the opportunity to have their voice heard we have launched this informal e-ballot on whether these proposals should be put to members in a formal vote. This vote will only be open for approximately 48 hours and close on Friday 17 March so please read all the relevant documentation and make sure you have your say straight away.

Alongside this vote a branch delegate meeting (BDM) will be taking place on Thursday 16 March. The results of this vote and the BDM will then be presented to the higher education committee (HEC) who will use that to make their decision as to what happens next.

I look forward to engaging with our branches and the HEC in the coming days and ultimately, I really hope members get the chance to have the final say--it's your dispute. It's your union.

Keep supporting the action, keep voting and I hope like me, you are UCU and proud!

In solidarity

Jo Grady
UCU general secretary

Last updated: 15 March 2023