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The Friday email: 16 December 2022

16 December 2022

UCU Rising: have your say

Union negotiators met again with the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) this week but regrettably employers' representatives refused to make a pay offer unless UCU agreed to suspend our industrial action which as you would expect negotiators refused to do. Click here for more on the meeting which took place on Tuesday 13 December. Your negotiators have urged UCEA to come back with an updated offer before Christmas but meanwhile we need to prepare for further industrial action.

As our general secretary Jo Grady covered in this video, we want to hear from you about what you think our strike action should look like in the New Year. Make sure that you are reaching out to your branchthe HEC, and UCU HQ in advance of the Branch Delegate Meeting (BDM) on 10 January 2023 to share your opinion.

Respect FE: stunning mandate for action at The Manchester College

UCU members at The Manchester College have beaten anti-trade union laws again and have renewed their mandate to take strike action with a stunning ballot result in their long running dispute over low pay. An overwhelming 93% of UCU members who voted said yes to strike action in a turnout of 60%. The yes vote and turnout surpass the previous successful ballot from earlier in the year. The union has also increased its membership density meaning the number of votes cast also surpasses the previous ballot.

Many college branches are campaigning on pay, workload and professional respect with some considering improved or new pay offers and others such as Truro and Penwith College planning further action in January 2023.

Please continue to sign and share UCU's professional respect charter. The union's further education committee (FEC) will meet in January to decide next steps in the national campaign.

Organising for Power training 2023

The next round of the Organising for Power training series, 'The Core Fundamentals', launches on 8 February 2023. There are six weekly sessions on Wednesdays from 17:00-19:00, led by Jane McAlevey and a team of trainers from unions all over the world. If you want to increase membership in your workplace, build campaigns and win big collective victories, follow the link to find out more and register your group of at least 10 participants.

Holocaust Memorial Day, 27 January 2023

The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 is 'ordinary people'. It highlights the ordinary people who let genocide happen, the ordinary people who actively perpetrated genocide, and the ordinary people who were persecuted. It also prompts us to consider how ordinary people, such as ourselves, can play a part in challenging prejudice today. You can find all of UCU's Holocaust Memorial Day resources on our website here.

Visit the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust website for further information and ideas for how to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 in your branch.

UCU LGBT+ research conference, 19 May 2023

UCU LGBT+ research conference will be a hybrid meeting taking place at the University of Manchester and online on Friday 19 May. 

Call for papers is now open, proposals of no more than 500 words can be submitted here with a deadline of 27 February.

Religion or belief in the workplace guidance

It is important that terms and conditions and other workplace practices take into account a worker's religion or protected belief. We've produced this guide for UCU branches to help ensure that the beliefs and/or religious observances of all members are met by employers.

Climate CPD - Take action! webinar, 26 January 2023

We are calling all members who've taken part in our climate and sustainability workshops to attend a webinar at 10:30 on Thursday 26 January. We want to hear about your experiences around climate action in your workplace. We want to understand what support you need from us and keep you up to date with the work of branches around the regions and devolved nations. Please register for the webinar here.

'The world at war: a trade union issue': Stop The War trade union conference, 21 January 2023

Anti-war campaigners in the Stop The War Coalition are holding a conference for trade unionists under the slogan 'cut warfare not welfare' and you can register here to attend the event at Hamilton House, London, WC1H 9AZ.

Last updated: 4 January 2023