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Prison educators

Pay and conditions gains for Novus branch

4 November 2022

Wednesday 2 November saw the biggest ever turnout for a UCU meeting in Novus when over 170 members met to discuss an improved pay and conditions offer.

Following a thorough debate, the decision of the branch was to accept the offer.

On the pay element the lowest paid will be awarded 8.4% with most members in the tutor/trainer grades gaining between 5% and 6%. The rate will reduce gradually from 4% to just over 2% for managerial grades.

On the conditions element all members who work in prisons will be given 'gate time' which means they will be paid for the time passing through all the security measures to get to work.

This issue is a cause the UCU have been fighting for over 20 years and is a major step in treating prison educators as equals in the prison system.

Last updated: 7 November 2022