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Respect FE

The Friday email: 8 July 2022

8 July 2022

Respect FE: the cost of living crisis for college workers

Our report published today shows more than eight in 10 college staff suffer from financial insecurity and the situation is harming their mental health. UCU's report 'On the breadline: the cost of living for England's college workers' surveyed over 2,700 staff in more than 200 colleges and illustrates how rising costs and falling pay are impacting members' welfare.

If you're at one of the colleges being balloted for strike action, don't forget to get your vote in the post before the last safe posting date of Wednesday 13 July (ballot closes on Friday 15 July). You can request a replacement ballot pack online here. Please vote YES for action and show the employers we've had enough and are prepared to fight back.

Fighting university redundancies and defending members

UCU is determined to resist the current wave of job cuts and attacks on working conditions taking place in higher education and these campaigns are asking for your support:

  • Roehampton UCU invite you to a rally against course closures at the main gates of the university, London, SW15, at 10.00 a.m. tomorrow Saturday 9 July.
  • Royal College of Art (RCA) UCU are campaigning against redundancies and you can sign a petition here
  • Queen Mary University of London management continue to persecute our members for taking part in lawful industrial action with the latest vindictive threat to close QMUL's Film Studies programme. Please sign the open letter here
  • Goldsmiths UCU are fighting plans to make 46 staff redundant and and you are invited to a lunchtime solidarity rally 12 noon to 2.00pm, Wednesday 13 July, outside Margaret McMillán building on Dixon Road. Our general secretary Jo Grady will be speaking.
  • Falmouth UCU are fighting plans to create a two-tier workforce with new staff employed by a wholly-owned subsidiary company on worse terms and conditions.

Read a full round up of local UCU campaigns here.

Durham Miners' Gala is back: tomorrow, Saturday 9 July

You're invited to join us at the Durham Miners' Gala tomorrow Saturday 9 July 2022. It's one of the biggest celebration of trade unions in the world and we're delighted to announce that our general secretary Jo Grady will be speaking at the gala.

Update on talks with UCEA

This week higher education unions met with the employers' organisation UCEA who refused to improve their derisory pay offer for 2022-23 of 3%. You can read the joint union statement on the meeting here.

Cradle to Grave conference, 10 September, register now

Registration is now open for UCU's Cradle to Grave conference being held on Saturday 10 September. Our keynote speaker is John McDonnell, MP and there will be a panel discussion on visions for post-pandemic education as well as workshops on access to learning, organising at work, prison education, and protecting the arts and humanities.

Abortion rights solidarity protest in Trafalgar Square tomorrow

UCU is a proud affiliate to Abortion Rights UK. Join the solidarity march this weekend, Saturday 9 July to the US Embassy in protest at the Roe v Wade decision. Assemble at 4pm at Trafalgar Square. Protestors will also march across the US. We stand with them.

Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival 2022, 15-17 July

UCU will be taking part in the annual trade union organised festival celebrating our movement, our history and remembering the six farm labourers arrested in 1834 for organising a union. Please join us for music, politics, and fun in the beautiful village of Tolpuddle in Dorset.

Last updated: 10 January 2023