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Meeting with UKRI

3 February 2022

On 2 February 2022 the UCU PGRs As Staff Campaign team met with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to discuss support for postgraduate researchers (PGRs) and the forthcoming consultation on creating a 'New Deal' for PhD researchers.

This consultation exercise is being driven by the government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) through its Research and Development People and Culture Strategy 2021.

UKRI gave us the following information about the consultation:

  • BEIS wants to consider what a 'new deal' would look like for all PhD researchers - UKRI-funded PGRs but also those funded from other sources, and self-funded/unfunded researchers. This is seen by BEIS as part of an effort to address issues of access and diversity in the sector
  • UKRI sees this as a long-term project. When they release the consultation, they'll be looking for things they can make better for PGRs, including marginalised groups of PGRs, in the short term, but also things that might take longer to find solutions for
  • UKRI hopes the consultation will be released in the next few weeks.

We asked UKRI:

  • to keep working with and talking to us about how to get a better deal for all PGRs
  • to make sure they consider the impact on disabled PGRs and international PGRs, and to discuss this with relevant government departments through their relationship with BEIS. This includes considering the interaction of PhD studentships with disability benefits and support like the Disabled Students Allowance, and ensuring no detriment to those on different types of visa.

You can find more information on UKRI and BEIS' 'New Deal' plans on UKRI's website.

Last updated: 8 June 2022