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Fri 25 Feb 2022

The Friday email: 25 February 2022

25 February 2022

Keep fighting: strikes continue as USS cuts ratified

A wave of anger has rocked the higher education sector this week as devastating cuts to USS pensions were ratified at a joint negotiating committee (JNC) meeting. UCU general secretary Jo Grady said: 'University vice chancellors have today chosen to steal tens of thousands from the retirement income of staff. This is a deplorable attack which our members won't take lying down. If these so-called leaders of higher education thought this was the end of this dispute, they have another thing coming.'

UCU members delivered a fantastic show of strength and determination on Monday and Tuesday this week with strike action over both the USS cuts and the Four Fights dispute over pay, equality, workloads and insecure contracts. Some staff are expressing their anger by resigning external examiner positions in protest at their employers' position on USS. Next week sees another three days' action (Monday 28 February, Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 March) over Four Fights, joining up with the NUS Student Strike and a demo in London on Wednesday. UCU's higher education committee is meeting today to make decisions regarding the disputes.

Keep up the pressure on the employers and support our strike action and action short of a strike:

Further education England update

Our general secretary, Jo Grady announced a new UCU initiative in further education on pay, workload and professional respect this week and members are encouraged to look out for details of an online consultative ballot taking place next month and to check and update your contact details here to make sure you are able to take part.

North West further education UCU fighting back

A campaign in some college branches in the North West has seen members indicate massive support for action for a proper pay rise, with six out of the seven participating branches (Oldham, Hopwood Hall, City of Liverpool, The Manchester College, Nelson and Colne and Bury and Burnley Colleges) closing consultative ballots this week with over 60% turnouts and up to 92% in favour of strike action. Congratulations to members, reps and staff involved in this exciting campaign to progress the union's pay claims.

Goldsmiths strike to defend jobs

Please support UCU members at Goldsmiths University London taking industrial action over plans to make 46 staff redundant.

UCU national elections: don't forget to vote

Please remember to have your say and vote in the UCU national elections which close on Tuesday 1 March 2022. You can watch the video of the vice-president election hustings here.

March against racism for Anti-racism Day, Saturday 19 March

As part of UN Anti-Racism Day 2022, UCU is supporting the Stand Up To Racism mobilisation on 19 March and members are invited to join us at the demonstration assembling at 12 noon, Portland Place, London.

People's Review of Prevent

The independent People's Review of Prevent was published last week and looked at the operation of Prevent and the harms that it causes to individuals and communities, especially the way it discriminates against Muslim communities as well as potential human rights breaches. UCU has long been vocal in our opposition to Prevent and would encourage members to read the report and our response to the review here.

Online 'teach out' series, 28 February and 1 March

These online webinars on 'challenging casualisation' are open to UCU members, and students who are keen to work in solidarity with UCU branches and are scheduled to facilitate attendance during the forthcoming HE strikes.

Equality research conference: call for papers

UCU equality research conference will be held online over 3 days, Tuesday 17 to Thursday 19 May 2022. The call for papers is open. For further information and to submit a proposal please use this link.

Last updated: 25 February 2022