The Friday email: 28 January 2022
27 January 2022
Latest HE strike dates
Yesterday the next wave of strike action over the USS and 'Four Fights' disputes was confirmed as follows:
- USS dispute: 14-18 February and 21-22 February
- Four Fights dispute: 21-22 February and 28 February-2 March.
This wave of strike action will end on 02 March when we will walk out alongside students taking part in the NUS one day student strike for education. Rolling regional action is then planned for the Four Fights dispute.
With the latest student data showing increased admissions and qualifications the union is now calling on university bosses to invest in staff, improve conditions and protect pensions to avoid further disruption. We've tabled new proposals on the USS pension scheme and invite you to lobby your vice-chancellor to support our recommendations and tell UUK to halt their plans prior to crucial negotiations taking place in February.
Postgraduate researchers as staff
UCU's 'PGRs as staff' campaign is planning a monthly series of online events to create spaces of solidarity, learning and organising for PGRs. We want these to be led by you: we'll create the space, but you'll decide how to use it. Volunteer to chair, speak or organise here.
Boycott Goldsmiths University of London
Please continue to support the boycott of Goldsmiths University of London and stand with our colleagues fighting brutal and damaging plans to sack up to 46 staff. Find out more here.
UCU national elections 2022
UCU's trustee, officer and national executive committee elections opened on 27 January and ballot material should be arriving shortly. Register for our online vice-president hustings on Tuesday 8 February, 12.30pm - 1.30pm. You can submit your ideas for questions to candidates here. Questions should be submitted by noon on 1 February.
Environment campaigning latest
We've joined up with other teaching unions and campaigners to call on the secretary of state for education, Nadhim Zahawi to address concerns over the national curriculum and the need to reflect the urgency of action on climate change.
UCU is a co-founding member of the Greener Jobs Alliance and you can read the latest campaign news here.
LGBT+ history month
February is LGBT+ history month and you can find out what UCU is doing here.
Union recognition at Ravensbourne University
UCU is running an important campaign for union recognition at Ravensbourne University. Fran Carter local said: 'support for recognition of UCU amongst Ravensbourne staff is strong and our petition for recognition is growing by the day. Like everyone else in the sector we have faced multiple re-structures and loss of staff and we have worked hard to support our students and the university through the pandemic. Now it's time the university showed real support for its staff by recognising UCU.'
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