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Dr Marion Hersh (University of Glasgow)

29 January 2021

Election address

Senior Lecturer, Engineering, Glasgow University

  • UCU Scotland Equality Officer 2018-2019
  • UCU Scotland Executive 2007-2011, 2013-2015, 2017-2019
  • NEC 2007-2009, 2010-2012, 2013-2017, 2018-21,
  • Equality Committee  2007-2009, 2010-2012, 2013-2017
  • USS negotiator/alternate 2011-12, 2013-21 
  • Commission on Effective Industrial Action
  • Glasgow Committee 1990-2021
  • UCU Left

Lifelong anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-war campaigner, campaigner for social justice. Active in Trade Union Climate-Change Network. Inequality, discrimination and oppression, both within and beyond HE, anger me.     

I'm passionately committed to (higher) education.  My vision is a free, publicly-funded and accessible system that values the contributions of Black, minority ethnic,  women, Disabled, LGBT+ people and encourages awkward questions.  I campaign actively and promote collective approaches to equality and anti-casualisation, as well as being an active case worker.

As UCUS Equality Officer I have worked to implement motions reviving the Equality and Human Rights and Anti-Casualisation Networks and greater involvement of Black members.  I proposed a successful International Women's Day lobby on pensions and contributed to UCUS equality issues blog. As an elected member I instigated the weekly communication with members.

As a USS negotiator I've been instrumental in the transformation in UCU.   I continue to support member interests and a wide-ranging campaign, including industrial action if necessary, against the current threat to pensions.  My work has resulted in the ethical/sustainability section of the negotiators' report and I'll continue to campaign for USS to have a strong ethical investment policy.  I've made USS agree to make its website and communications fully accessible and continue campaigning for practical implement of this commitment.

I've successfully proposed action to NEC, Congress, UCU Scotland Congress and HE Sector Conference on global climate change, safe working conditions under Covid, supporting EU and international staff, pensions, solidarity with branches in dispute, TU bill, stress, victimised reps, points-based immigration, equality impact assessments, human rights act, Trident,  Stop the War, Holocaust Memorial Day, non-binary gender.

I campaign against marketisation and commodification and for secure jobs and an end to casualisation.  I teach students not serve clients.  I oppose REF, TEF and support a boycott of them.  I promote academic freedom in teaching and research and oppose its misuse as a pretext to undermine the rights of minority groups, most recently trans people.

If elected  I will work to further strengthen member involvement and both member and central solidarity and support for branches in dispute and fighting for safe working conditions.  I will encourage debate and resource provision on decolonising and diversifying the curriculum to fully represent and be relevant to Black, minority ethnic, Disabled, LGBT+, women, other minorities students and staff.  I will promote very active UCU Scotland involvement in the protests at the crucial Glasgow climate talks this year.

Last updated: 28 January 2021