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Ann Swinney (University of Dundee)

29 January 2021

Election address

I stood for election in 2019 when a casual vacancy occurred in the UCU Scotland Executive and want now to continue to serve members, representing them for a full term. We have endured serious challenges this year which have magnified the issues we have been facing in our working environments for a long-time. Jobs are under threat in many of our institutions and we need to stand together in solidarity to resist the ever increasing threats to our livelihoods and education.

I have been an active Trade Union member throughout my working life (38 years!) - initially with NALGO, UNISON and now UCU. While bringing up my family I spent 24 years in full-time employment but doing several jobs at the same time in HE on part-time/fixed term/precarious contracts and as a community literacies worker supporting disadvantaged adults and young people. I am now employed part-time as a Senior Lecturer and have spent most of 2020 working from my home. I believe that acting collectively is the key to social change and is the way to achieve Social Justice for marginalised and disadvantaged groups and individuals.

I am currently Dundee UCU Branch Casework Co-ordinator and Honorary Secretary UCU Scotland. Previously as a member of the Branch Committee I have been Equalities Officer, vice-president and president. I have represented my Branch at Scottish and UK Congress for several years. I am a member of UCU Scotland H.E. Committee and I have been a delegate representing UCU Scotland at the STUC and STUC Women's Conferences.

I have campaigned on equalities in the workplace for women, part-time and casualised workers. I will continue to work to resist the casualization of the HE workforce and the inequity of pensions, pay and conditions, particularly for marginalised groups of workers. This will continue to be a priority for me.

 I repeat my opposition to attempts in the UK to roll back the rights of Transgender people. I will actively work to ensure that UCU remains unequivocal in support of LGBTI+ rights and all groups of people that are historically marginalised and discriminated against.  Inequality, casualisation, excessive workloads and falling salaries need to be addressed and more so now than ever before.

I am standing for election again because I want to promote, protect and uphold the principles of inclusivity and equality in UCU. I want to use and share my knowledge and experiences as a woman, a part-time worker on precarious contracts and as a community worker to support and advocate effectively for all of my colleagues in UCU but particularly my younger colleagues who may often find themselves in vulnerable positions and who cannot risk speaking out.

Senior Lecturer, Community Education, University of Dundee.


Last updated: 29 January 2021