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10 July

The Friday email: 10 July

10 July 2020

Empower and educate

Join us online with special guests Billy Bragg, Grace Blakeley, Ann Pettifor, Dalia Gebrial, Dave Ward, Faiza Shaheen, Sonia Adesara and Gary Younge for an evening of discussion about how education has the power to transform minds and transform society. Hosted by Jo Grady, UCU general secretary. Tuesday 14 July, 6-9pm full details here.

Fund the Future: help us make the case for education

A report this week from the independent Institute for Fiscal Studies made a 'central estimate' that higher education (HE) would face losses totalling £11bn because of Covid-19.

Our further education Fund the Future launch this week was attended by hundreds of members and included speeches from Jo Grady, Janet Farrar, Sean Vernell, Vicky Duckworth and many more and will be available in the next few days. The further education committee (FEC) article which accompanied the launch can be read here.

Thousands of members have already contacted their MP and more politicians every day are recognising the importance of further, adult and higher education for our recovery. Click here to email your MP and tell them how important education is: ask them to fund the future.

E-ballot on higher education 'Four Fights' offer

A consultation on the final offer made by the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) will open today and members in higher education branches should look out for an email containing a link to vote, with subject line 'UCU consultative ballot'. Voting opens today and closes on Wednesday 29 July.

GTAs are workers too!

In Thursday 23 July 1-3pm we are hosting a session for members working as graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) (or similar). It will be co-hosted with PandemicPGRs who have been campaigning for the rights of postgraduate researchers (PGRs) during the Covid-19 crisis. Please register here and you will be sent a link to join the meeting.

Get involved: sexual violence task group

There is less than a week left for members to apply for a paid position on UCU's task group on sexual violence in tertiary education. Any member can apply and we encourage applications from members in all our sectors with varying types of experience and expertise, including but not limited to experience of research, advocacy, volunteering, professional and/or lived experience. Applications are open until 15 July. Positions are available for membership and for chair of the group. Click here for more information and to fill in our short application form.

Last updated: 10 July 2020