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Jo Grady

General secretary's news

Updates from Jo Grady, UCU's general secretary

  • 15 October 2019

    There are only two weeks left to vote in UCU's national ballot on pay and pay-related issues before the deadline closes on 30 October. Vote now to give your union…

  • 10 October 2019

    After worrying leaks circulating this week from last month's HE employers' annual conference, my message to our USS members could not be clearer: act now and vote…

  • 8 October 2019

    In her latest message to members in higher education Jo argues that given how poorly we are being rewarded, our claims in the current higher education pay dispute…

  • 2 October 2019

    We still have so little clarity about what will happen on and after 31 October, but UCU members and officials are working hard to prepare for all eventualities.

  • 30 September 2019

    Today I am pleased to announce that the National Union of Students (NUS) has agreed to work with UCU and throw its full weight behind both of our strike ballots.…

  • 26 September 2019

    I wanted to write specifically to members in post-92 universities to set out why I think it is very important that you vote in UCU's current ballot on pay and equality.…

  • 23 September 2019

    With the USS ballot of higher education members now well under way, Jo explains why we need a resounding 'yes' vote to secure the future of the scheme.

  • 17 September 2019

    Vote yes so that we can put pressure on the employers to enter into meaningful negotiations to find a long-term solution to the sector's ongoing issues. By now,…