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UCU Scotland executive

24 May 2015

UCU Scotland has an autonomous executive, congress and education committee.

The executive consists of one member from each of our branches or local associations, three ordinary members and the current officers. The officers have a two-year term.

The officers from June 2023:

President - Jeanette Findlay
Vice President - Grant Buttars
Honorary Secretary - Carlo Morelli
Immediate Past President - Lena Wanggren
Honorary Treasurer - Tom Jones
Equality Officer - Kate Sang

Ordinary committee members

Abdullah Yusuf
Ann Gow
Marion Winters

Branch representatives

The local representative is usually, but not necessarily, the honorary secretary and is decided by the branch or local association. The officers and three ordinary members of the UCU Scotland executive are decided by a Scotland-wide membership ballot.

The UCU Scotland executive meets bi-monthly during term time and the officers meet between these meetings to discuss decisions of the executive and any urgent matters.

Last updated: 19 September 2023