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Boycott Goldsmiths

Boycott Goldsmiths

3 June 2024

Please support UCU's global boycott of Goldsmiths, University of London.

UCU has announced a global academic boycott of Goldsmiths, University of London over the institution's plans to cut jobs. Staff at Goldsmiths are already undertaking a marking boycott in a dispute over management's attempt to sack more than one in six academic staff.

With Goldsmiths and its boss Professor Frances Corner refusing to back down from these devastating plans, UCU's Higher Education Committee approved escalation to an academic boycott, beginning on 3 June.

This means the union is calling on members, university workers, trade unionists, and supporters worldwide NOT to: 

  • apply for any advertised jobs at Goldsmiths 
  • speak at or organise academic or other conferences at Goldsmiths 
  • give lectures at Goldsmiths 
  • accept positions as visiting professors or researchers at Goldsmiths 
  • accept new contracts as external examiners for taught courses at Goldsmiths.

Please also show your support for Goldsmiths UCU's campaign:

Why the boycott?

Goldsmiths UCU have been facing widespread attacks from the university's management, which include threats of compulsory redundancies that risk the destruction of entire departments. Since the announcement of the proposed cuts, branch negotiators have worked very hard to demonstrate to Goldsmiths that the proposals present an existential risk to the institution, disregard crucial employment rights and equalities concerns, and are without financial justification.

Despite this, Goldsmiths SMT have been unwilling to withdraw, or meaningfully change their proposals and are ploughing on with compulsory redundancies.

Last updated: 7 June 2024