UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
Liberating the NHS: Developing the healthcare workforce, UCU consultation response, Mar 11
UCU response to the QAA consultation on changes to the Academic Infrastructure, Mar 11
UCU response to the QAA consultation on changes to the Academic Infrastructure, Mar 11
UCU response to review of external examining arrangements, Nov 10
'Teaching and the student experience', Higher Education Academy consultation: UCU response, May 08
UCU response to DIUS consultation, Higher education at work - high skills, Jul 08
UCU submission to the inquiry into international policies and activities of the research councils, May 07
The future of quality assurance - review: UCU response, Mar 10
The future of quality assurance - review: UCU response, Mar 10
Further education means business: consultation on policy proposals, UCU Northern Ireland response, Nov 07
Consultation on the review of higher education in further education, including foundation degrees, UCU consultation response, Nov 07
UCU tabled questions to the Northern ireland Assembly on the Belfast Metropolitan College cuts
Dissolution of the DEL: Request for comment from Office of the First and Deputy First Minister
Review of the teaching funding method: HEFCE second consultation, UCU submission, Apr 07
UCU response to the HEFCE REF consultation: 'Consultation on draft panel criteria and working methods', Oct 11
UCU response to the HEFCE consultation: 'Teaching funding and student number controls', Oct 11
PDF of UCU Scotland's response to the 'Consultation paper on a higher education governance bill'
UCU Scotland response to the Smith Commission on the devolution of further powers for the Scottish Parliament
UCU written evidence on Scottish code of governance
UCU submission to Governance review panel
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