Leading news and reaction from UCU.
10 November 2010
The annual cost of studying for a degree has increased by 311.5% since 1988, according to research released today by UCU. On the day to protest against cuts to…
10 November 2010
Staff and students from across Scotland will take to the streets of London to protest against cuts to education funding and higher student fees. The UCU and the…
9 November 2010
Thousands of students and lecturers will take to the streets tomorrow to protest against cuts to further and higher education for the 'Fund Our Future' national…
3 November 2010
Scottish students will be hit with an increase in their debt if Westminster plans to increase university fees and increase the interest on the debt are implemented.…
3 November 2010
Higher fees and increased debt are a stealth tax on aspiration and learning says UCU Graduates who earn the national average salary will be hit with tax bills almost…
2 November 2010
UCU today warned that if the government pushed ahead with plans to increase university fees thousands would be priced out of higher education. Responding to today's…
2 November 2010
UCU is threatening to 'lift the veil on the murky world of professorial pay' in an equal pay tribunal case this week. Tomorrow UCU is representing a Professor of…
2 November 2010
Radical government reforms to shift teacher training away from universities and focus it in schools could be 'fraught with difficulty', a leading expert will warn…
2 November 2010
Colleges in some of the most deprived areas of England will be the hardest hit if the government scraps the educational maintenance allowance (EMA), warns analysis…
1 November 2010
UCU today said that the government could not sell its plans to increase the cost of a university education on the back of 'specious graduate pay premiums.' The…
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