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Global dispatches

UCU has a strong tradition of taking up issues at international and European level where they affect members' professional lives, and also working with partner organisations on solidarity and international development issues identified by the membership through UCU's democratic structures.

  • 2 March 2012

    Find out more about the release of this Colombian trade unionist and academic. On 1 March 2012 Liliany Obando, a Colombian trade unionist and academic, was freed…

  • 4 June 2011

    Dr Miguel Angel Beltrán, the most prominent 'prisoner of conscience' whose case UCU has taken up in recent years, has been absolved of all charges. UCU general…

  • 11 April 2011

    Who is Miguel Beltrán? Dr Miguel Beltrán is a Colombian academic. He has been imprisoned since May 2009 accused of 'rebellion' and is currently detained in La Picota…

  • 31 March 2010

    A report from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) shows that the number of politically and ideologically motivated attacks…

  • 3 June 2009

    UCU general secretary Sally Hunt visited Colombia in 2009. This short video, shown as part as the keynote speech to Congress, looks at the threat to trade unionists…