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Global dispatches

UCU has a strong tradition of taking up issues at international and European level where they affect members' professional lives, and also working with partner organisations on solidarity and international development issues identified by the membership through UCU's democratic structures.

  • 2 July 2024

    UCU has reiterated our support for Argentinian workers, educators and students campaigning against the Milei government's neo-liberal and authoritarian policies.…

  • 2 May 2024

    The University and College Union (UCU) sends our solidarity to the thousands of university students and staff across the world who are taking a stand against their…

  • 7 July 2023

    Selma Atabey, the former co-chair of SES (Health and Social Care Workers Union of Turkey), was released on 5 June after almost one year in prison. UCU was part…

  • 25 April 2023

    Sudan solidarity statement from Black Members' Standing Committee Fraternal greetings to the trade unions and civilian groups in Sudan. With great despondency and…

  • 10 March 2023

    The Trades Union Congress (TUC) have launched a new fundraising initiative to provide practical support to trade unionists in Ukraine. The solidarity fund will…