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UCU Cymru response to the economy infrastructure and skills committee consultation 'remote working: implications for Wales', January 2021
Welsh government draft budget proposals for 2021-22: UCU response, November 2020
'Qualifications Wales - consultation on the advanced skills challenge certificate and advanced Welsh baccalaureate' UCU Cymru response, November 2020
A manufacturing future for Wales – framework for action: UCU Cymru consultation response, October 2020
How to support future post-Covid recovery and reconstruction in Wales: UCU Cymru response to Welsh Assembly consultation, 30 July 2020
Public good and a prosperous Wales - reflections on the PCET reforms for UCU Cymru: Bill Lucas, Professor of Learning and Director of the Centre for Real-World…
UCU Cymru response to the Welsh higher education funding council consultation on well-being and health in higher education policy statement, October 19
UCU Cymru response to the curriculum for Wales 2022 consultation consultation, October 19
UCU Cymru response to the Welsh government draft budget 2020-21 consultation, October 19
UCU Cymru paper on adult (community) learning as a priority issue within the manifesto for the 2021 Welsh assembly election, Octiober 2019
UCU Cymru policy on junior apprenticeships approved by the Further Education Sector Committee, June 2019
UCU Cymru reposnse to the consultation on Education Workforce Council (EWC) powers to impose interim suspension orders, December 2018
UCU Cymru response to the consultation on the revised Code of Professional Conduct and Practice for Registrants with the Education Workforce Council (EWC), December…
UCU Cymru submission to the 'Review of Systems for Monitoring and Improving the Effectiveness of Post-compulsory Education in Wales', February 2018
UCU Cymru response to the Children, Young People and Education Committee inquiry into Targeted Funding to Improve Educational Outcomes, submitted December 2017
UCU Cymru response to the 'The Children, Young People and Education Committee inquiry into teachers' professional learning and education', January 2017
UCU Cymru response to the 'Consistent measures for post 16 learning in Wales' consultation, April 2017
UCU Cymru response to the 'New professional standards for further education teachers and work-based learning practitioners' consultation, July 2017
UCU Cymru response to the CYPEC consultation on the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill, March 2017
UCU Cymru response to the draft criteria for the accreditation of Initial Teacher Education programmes in Wales and the proposal for the Education Workforce Council…
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