Browse branch material
Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
Some items are only available to members, so please log in to access the complete library.
UCU briefing on monkeypox, September 2022
Long Covid bargaining guidance: equality and health and safety considerations, September 2022
The Gender Recognition Act reform - a guide for UCU members and reps, October 2022
Case study: Liverpool UCU branch Green New Deal bargaining claim, September 2022
Quick guide to building the union through recruitment conversations
Quick guide to mapping your workplace to help build the union
A quick guide to asking members to speak to 10 colleagues about joining UCU in order to help build the union
Leaflet explaing why prison staff should join UCU's Novus branch
'There’s strength in numbers' recruitment poster with a higher education focus
Woman with join placard - recruitment poster with a higher education focus
Banner reading 'join your union' - recruitment poster with a higher education focus
Recruitment leaflet/poster for staff working for PeoplePlus
Recruitment leaflet/poster for staff working at Milton Keynes College prisons
Recruitment leaflet/poster for prison education staff
FE workplace changes recruitment leaflet
Leaflet aimed at non lecturer roles such as trainer, assessor etc.
Recruitment leaflet aimed at staff early in their careers
Recruitment flyer for academic-related and professional services staff
Recruitment poster for academic-related and professional services staff
Recruitment poster aimed at adult and community learning staff
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