Browse branch material
Searchable list of all documents, guidance and other materials useful for branch organisation, recruitment and campaigning.
Some items are only available to members, so please log in to access the complete library.
Report from the Alliance for Science TUC seminar on 18 Feb 09
Word document
'Workplace violence - don't ignore it' poster - male
'Workplace violence - don't ignore it' poster - female
No entry for bullies - poster 2
No entry for bullies - poster
Cyber-bullying is a workplace hazard - poster
Bullies are a workplace hazard - poster
Fighting for our lives leaflet
Simple questionnaire to help you test if your employer is a bully or merely 'robust'
If you believe that you are being bullied, the chances are, you are
Thermal comfort in the workplace - Guidance for employers (HSG194)
Tackling work related stress in education - HSE newsletter
Stressed? What you can do about it - information for UCU members
Out of 'site', out of mind? IOSH guidance on teleworking
Member information document on recording injury at work
Leaflet from the HSE outlining what you need to know about health and safety law
Leaflet from the HSE on working alone in safety
Leaflet from the HSE explaining how to find out if chemicals are dangerous
Leaflet for workers from the HSE and TUC on health and safety
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